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HHG is very proud to announce the recent appointment of our Senior Associate, Dianne Caruso, to the panel of Independent Children’s Lawyers.

“I am very proud and excited to have the opportunity to practice as an Independent Children’s Lawyer (ICL).  It is so important for children to have a voice in Family Court proceedings and someone to promote their best interests.   This is particularly so where there are vulnerable children in difficult circumstances” said Dianne. ” I feel the weight of the responsibility and importance of this role and I am committed to performing these duties to the highest standard, which is what these children deserve.”

In addition to Dianne, our Family Law Managing Associate, Dr Steve Cohen, was also recently appointed to the ICL panel.

What is an ICL?

An Independent Children’s Lawer is appointed by the court to represent children in parenting matters, to review the evidence and provide an opinion on the best outcome for the child. An ICL informs the child on how the family law court operates and potential decisions the court can make. They can have varied interaction with the child depending on the child’s other connections. An ICL must be impartial and always have the best interest of the child.

You can read more about ICLs here

If you need legal assistance with your current family situation, get in touch with our Family Law team

*The information provided in this website serves as a general guide and does not constitute legal advice. It is based on our research and experience at the time of publication. Please consult our knowledgeable legal team for any specific inquiries or advice relevant to your circumstances, as the content may not have been updated subsequently.
