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If you need emergency assistance out-of-hours please contact our or Criminal Lawyer, Lisa Riley on (08) 9211 2626.
Our traffic lawyers understand how being charged with a traffic offence can immediately impact your life. Losing your licence could mean losing your job and income. Our team has extensive experience helping people in your situation, and we are here to provide you with the legal advice and assistance that you need. If you do lose your licence, in some circumstances we can even help you get an extraordinary licence, to lessen the impact.
Traffic offences can have serious consequences. You might be at risk of losing your licence, or even your liberty. In those circumstances, you should engage an experienced traffic lawyer. Our criminal and traffic lawyers have the capability and experience to skillfully defend you and minimise these consequences.
It’s important that you know where you stand and what is at risk. Contact us today to talk through your situation and discuss the possible impact your particular charges could have on you.
The answer to this question depends on whether you have been put on bail or appear by court pursuant to a notice. You should always be clear on whether you need to be at court, as you could have an arrest warrant issued if you aren’t there: Contact us to get some advice about your specific circumstances.
If you were meant to go to court and didn’t, you should immediately contact us for advice.
Contact us now
Traffic charges are generally heard in “open court”. This means members of the public can go into the courtroom and hear the case. Usually the only people in the gallery of the courtroom are also there for the same reason as you.
If your charge results in a conviction, there might be an opportunity to ask the court to declare that conviction as “spent”. Our team of criminal lawyers can make an argument for this on your behalf (please contact us to ask whether this is an option for you).
If your conviction is not declared “spent”, the only way someone can see that conviction is if they obtain access to your criminal record through application (like if you consent to a criminal and traffic history check when applying for a job, for example).
If you need emergency assistance out-of-hours please contact Criminal Lawyer, Lisa Riley on (08) 9211 2626.
*This information serves as a general guide and does not constitute legal advice. It is based on our research and experience at the time of publication. Please consult our knowledgeable legal team for any specific inquiries or advice relevant to your circumstances, as the content may not have been updated subsequently.
If you have any questions about our services, please use the form on the right and one of our staff will respond as soon as possible.
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