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HHG Legal Group is very proud to announce Janene Bon’s ranking as a Leading  W.A. Wills, Estates and Succession Planning Lawyer and Murray as a Recommended Estate Litigation Lawyer in the 2019 Doyles Guide.

“Our Senior Counsel,  Janene Bon does a superb job leading the Wills & Estate team and assisting her clients with highly complex estate matters and Murray Thornhill, in his capacity as the head of HHG’s Commercial team, is highly regarded for his Estate Litigation work across the state. We are thrilled to see them both recognised by their peers for their expertise and abilities in these areas,” said HHG Legal Group’s Chief Operating Officer, Nigel Richards.

In addition to the personal recognition of Janene and Murray, HHG Legal Group, as a firm, was recognised as a Leading Third-Tier Wills & Estates Law Firm in WA and a Recommended Wills & Estate Litigation Firm in WA, so these accolades also reflect the skills and client commitment of the whole Wills & Estate team.

If you require assistance with any of your Wills, Estates and Succession Planning requirements, please contact us today.

*The information provided in this website serves as a general guide and does not constitute legal advice. It is based on our research and experience at the time of publication. Please consult our knowledgeable legal team for any specific inquiries or advice relevant to your circumstances, as the content may not have been updated subsequently.
